Description abnimport

This program help to import bank transactions.

There are various programs to handle your personal financial data: Grisbi, GnuCash, HomeBank, KMyMoney. Most of these support file format called QIF.

Problem: The data exported by ABN-Amro bank is complex and difficult to import in other programs.


The developper is using Grisbi because it meet the needs and is relatively small install.

Note: To assign different categories to your transactions edit the file category.conf

Usage [-h] [-c] [-v] inputfile outputfile

inputfile is the text file downloaded from ABN Amro.
outputfile is the qif file.




Category Documentation

see category



Over time i've been developping this program from a very poor early design idea several years ago. It's been a bit bumpy road as ABN change their file format every now and then without any warning.

program: Henk Speksnijder 20171218
website: Henk Speksnijder 20220520