abmimport's category.conf

The ABN data has very little information. In personal finance you want to categorise (group) items. The default QIF file format allows categories.

The program reads the ABN file, compare each line (mutation) and assign categories.

When using -c option the mutations are assigned a category based on ta text search in payee and comment. The specification is in the file categoey.conf that is expected in the same directory as your input file.

The file category.conf is a very simple list and is intended to be edited manually with any plain text editor.

The first + second rows work to project you from accidents. When you try to run this program on a file if first checks the first row. If it's not ok, the program will fail. That is the only safety feature to protect you from making a complete mess out of a wrong file.

GOODLINESTART = 812345678\tEUR\t

# name / comment = categorie

ANWB/ CONTRIBUTIE = Auto:Membership
/IKEA = House:Other
/LIDL = Household:Other
/SHELL = Car:Petrol
SVHW/ = House:Taxes
ZIGGO/ = House:Telecom


From the ABN data we get different kind of mutations

To cope with these variations you can specify the 2 fields seperated with "/"

program: Henk Speksnijder 20170808
website: Henk Speksnijder 20210608